31 Quotes from CONFUCIUS That Will Change Your Life

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Confucius was a Chinese philosopher, politician, and teacher whose message of knowledge, benevolence, loyalty, and virtue were the main guiding philosophy of China for thousands of years.

Quotes have helped me during the most challenging times in my life from dealing with guidance, reflection, and inner peace. Quotes touch my heart and soul as they offer inspiration whenever I’m having a weak moment. I often send daily quotes to friends and family as way of spreading joy and motivation. I believe that little acts of kindness can go a far way. The message I want to convey to everyone is that life is a process; we are all on our individual journey to find our place. Having quotes has been a reminder to treasure the simplicity of each day.

Quotes contain messages that light our inner spirit, I’m extremely grateful to share wise words from various enlightened beings. I believe we all are here on earth to serve a divine purpose and I truly feel by spreading the joy of quotes I’m helping others in need.

#quoteoftheday #quotes

Author: Admin